About Lavender

For a long time lavender or lavandula was known as a wild solitary plant. It grew high up on the hot, sunny slopes of mountains, away from civilized places on arid, uncultivated ground. Neither sown, nor cultivated, withstood the winds and the droughts, with two good friends: sun to grow and bees to pollinate,

Not loved by animals, even sheep who grazed on scarce mountain grasses ignored it. Yet, their shepherds discovered the secret power of its long blooming stems, desperate to heal their sunburned skin, and the lure of the delicate scent of lavender infused honey. Lavender tea kept them relaxed and calm to endure the harsh mountain conditions. It wasn't long before the shepherds spread their secrets and lavender descended from the hilltops to more accessible plateaus.

From Greece, Egypt, Rome, English gardens, and the hills of Provence, lavender cultivation spread and it become an essential remedy for many ailments and well-being. Lavender subtle floral fragrance attracted soap and perfume makers, to make it the most versatile herb of all. Times came and gone, and still today, the 'purple gold' is unscathed choice as a true natural remedy for well-being and healing. 

Lavender is a plant that asks for so little and yet gives so much. Its beautiful hues of blue and violet, create an illusion for the eyes and a solace for the senses. There is no sight that can rival a vista of the royal purple splendor of a blooming lavender field, its gentle scent dispersed softly in a summer breeze, ready to scatter an abundance of its healing properties.

Lavender or lavandula comes from the Latin word 'lavare' meaning 'to wash', as Romans used it abundantly in their baths, hot spas & massages. In botanical terms, lavandula belongs to the mint family of scented plants, along with thyme, mint, sage and many others.

There are over 30 species of lavandula, however, the best known lavenders are Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula X Intermedia and Lavandula Stoechas.

Lavandula angustifolia, also called True lavender or English lavender, is best known for its sweet, mellow scent, high quality essential oil, medicinal properties and it is a widely used culinary herb. Propagated by seeds and cuttings, it is cold and drought tolerant.

Lavandula X Intermedia known as French lavender is a hybrid between Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula Latifolia, best known for its tall stalks, heady fragrance and high oil yield. It is used in aromatherapy and cosmetics. However it is not considered culinary lavender, due to its higher camphor content than Lavandula angustifolia. Lavandula X Intermedia flowers are sterile and propagation is done through cuttings. It is also cold and drought resistant.

Lavandula stoechas also known as Spanish lavender, grown more as ornamental plant than for oil distillation is more sensitive to cold winters.

What can lavender do for you?

  • Cooking with lavender  flowers buds can be used in many recipes, added to dressings, honey, jellies, salads, soups, stews, wine, vinegar, tea, sugar, etc.; essential oil is added to flavour beverages, ice cream, baked goods, puddings. 

  • Scent your home with lavender – lavender buds will bring new freshness to your home when used as potpourri, sachets in your wardrobe or linen closets. Spread the fragrant scent of lavender with our lavender bouquet or scatter some lavender buds in your kitchen cupboards to keep bugs and ants away.

  • Relax with the soothing lavender scent – fall asleep with our lavender pillow by your side.

  • Treat yourself with lavender oil – for burns, insect bitesmigraines, acne.

Here at Terra Lavanda we are continuing a tradition that has been done for centuries: to nurture lavender, a wild plant, renown for its healing, antiseptic and tension releasing qualities, charmed with a lovely fragrance…